The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers

The opposite end of the 33 spectrum is the negative voice that is Shrill
(33) and Unpleasant (33) to the ear; voices that speak Untruths (33).

It is the negative 33’s that are the Martyrs (33). Other negative 33-
words are:

Cheater. Helpless. Phantom. Robber. Selfish. Torment.
Both Cheater and Robber have the full number of 60 which is a vibra-
tion of power, and in these cases, in the negative use of power.

“ 33 ” Facts

➛ The first temple of Solomon stood for 33 years in pristine
➛ King David ruled for 33 years in Jerusalem.
➛ The Masonic Order is divided into 33 symbolic degrees.
➛ There are 33 segments in the spinal column.
➛ Jesus was crucified in the 33rd year of his life.
➛ The name of God appears 33 times in the English translation of
the first chapter of Genesis.
➛ The Tree of Life contains 22 paths and 10 globes plus the one
invisible Sephira, Daath, totaling 33 steps of wisdom.


Positive: Compassion. Deep understanding. Empathetic. Gentle.
Kind. Loving service. Nurturing instinct. Selfless giving
with no thought of return. Unpretentious.

Negative: Burdened. Careless. Sweet tooth.

Destructive:Martyr. Meddlesome. Slave to others. Slovenly.

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