The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology



“Master Therapist”

The 44 is the master who solves the material needs of the world. It is
the “So Below” that makes manifest on the material plane.

Two 4’s make this number doubly practical. The 44’s are very re-
sourceful. They can take valuable ideas and put them to work helping
people build or rebuild their lives. Some help through Medicine (44). The
full number is 62: help (2) the body (6).

Edgar Cayce provided solutions for seemingly unsolvable, insurmount-
able physical problems, and his Birth Path was 44.

Dr. Jack Ensign Addington of the Abundant Living Foundation had a
44 Birth Path, and he gave spiritual insight, hope, and rehabilitation to
countless prisoners and others through his radio ministry, “Peace, Poise
and Power,” and Abundant Living magazine. Minister is 44. Its full num-
ber is 107: spiritual help (7) on Earth (10), or, seek perfection (10) through
spirituality (7). The 10 is the 10th sphere on the Tree of Life: Malkuth.
This is where spirit descends into matter.

The 44 is a very special kind of Therapist (44), one on a Spiritual (44)
level. These people usually have a foundation in Theology (44).

Edgar Cayce did his work while under self-imposed Hypnosis (44).
As his conscious self, his knowledge was ordinary. But when he had these
Tremendous (44) Encounters (44) with his Mastermind (44) while in a
trance-like state, his knowledge was Unlimited (44).

The church, throughout the ages, has been a powerful Therapist in
showing how spiritual ideas can be used for our benefit. There are quite a
few words that total 44 which are associated with the church and the
ministry, such as:

Benefactor. Ceremony. Contentment. Eternity.
Happiness. Improve. Influence. Minister. Rebirth.
Respectful. Reverent. Spiritual. Theology.

It is interesting to see the esoteric difference in meanings between
certain words. Both Happiness and Contentment total 44, so they are
important to the spiritual-material balance. But Happiness has the full
number, 107: completeness (10) from within (7), while Contentment has
the full number 143: ease, joy, and comfort (3) worked for and earned (4)
by the self (1).

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