The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1


The Keys to Personal



e are all here to learn certain lessons. Those lessons are found
in our personal names. Every letter, every number contains
divine attributes of our Creator, talents, and qualities that are
given to us at birth. They are our incoming vibration along with the birth
date, and we act and react according to its vibrational content. It is our
Higher Self that is responsible for and has decided upon our personal
numbers, and tunes into the vibration of the birth name and date in order
to fulfill it (Vibrations, 11).
Pythagoras taught that everything in nature consists of three parts.
Man himself has three planes of life, each governed by its own principles:
Soul found in the vowels, Body found in the consonants, and Spirit in
vowels and consonants combined. All three planes must be in harmony if
man is to achieve success, happiness, and good health.
Once we understand the meanings of the letters and numbers we can
apply them to our names for this deeper awareness. (See chapters 22, 23,
and 24.)
To find your name numbers, write your complete birth name, for that
is the vibration you came in on, which tells your inborn character and
talents. Using Chart 3 (see page 158), put the root number of each vowel
above its letter and the root number for each consonant below it, for
6 1 5 = 12/3
J o a n n e

1 5 5 = 11

(The letters W and Y are considered to be vowels by some people,
and consonants by others. I prefer to consider them vowels, but also to
chart them as consonants to see the difference this makes. Perhaps there
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