The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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he W is a controversial letter among numerologists. Some recog-
nize it as a vowel only when it is preceded by another vowel: aw,
ew, ow. Others consider it a consonant at all times. Actually it is a
vowel when it gives its delicate “oo” sound.

As explained in the Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary:
The sound represented by the letter W is a voiced bi-labial
velar (back vowel formed near the soft palate) semi-vowel
before vowels (we, wage, worry) and a U-glide in diph-
thongs (how, allow, dew, review).

And, in the American Heritage Dictionary:
The only time a W is a consonant is when it has no phonic
value, which is before R, as in wrist, wrong, wrote, write,
and when used internally as in answer, two and sword.

W before a vowel adds an “oo” sound. Without it, William would be
Illiam and Walter, Alter. This delicate vowel sets a high vibration into the
ethers that is more subtle than open vowels, and it changes the overall
vibration to the extent that the whole feeling of the name changes—which
is what a vowel accomplishes.

In Esoteric Science we learn that every sound is accompanied by a
color that is sympathetic to the same vibration as the sound. The “oo”
gives the spiritual purple-violet color, which is imbued with the qualities
of responsibility and gentleness. Because of this, W has been known as
“the spiritual letter,” that when rightly oriented brings wisdom, the wis-
dom of the sages. (Note that wisdom begins with a W.)

W stands for “I AM.” In The English Cabalah, letters of a word
are totaled by their full numbered place in the alphabet. M is the 13th
letter, so we keep it as 13 rather than reduce it to 4. For I AM, we have:
9 + 1 + 13 = 23. And W is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet (The
Cabalah Primer, 138).

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