The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Y: Vowel or Consonant?

Normally Y before R, as in Ayres, is considered a consonant. But
notice the change of phonic sound; with the Y it is pronounced “Airs.”
Without the Y it is “Ares.” Here, too, the Y is really a semi-consonant.

People with a Y in their names have a leaning toward the mystical; a
desire to study the mysteries of life. And since Y is the 25th letter (25/7),
there is a drawing power of the 7 vibration to a deeper inward reflection.

The W has its ups and downs; the Y, its crossroads where a decision
must be made. The W has its subtle “oo” sound and the Y, subtle “ee.” In
every case where this subtle vowel sound occurs I have found that more
significant information can be gleaned when the Y, like the W, is used
first as a consonant and then as a vowel, giving a double Soul’s Urge.

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