The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

The desire of light is 9 and 9 is the number of humanity, so it is there
for all people, to serve and enlighten them. The 9, remember, is a reflec-
tion of the lamp of Hermes.

The desire of Tarot, however, is 7—desire to hold secret spiritual
knowledge. Fewer people will seek light through the Tarot.

Someone once asked me if I would define God and dog the same since
they have the same letters and same numbers. The answer is no, for the
sequence of the letters and numbers is different. The first letter gives the
nature of the word. God begins with a G, the seventh letter. The 7 is a
spiritual number. God is first of all a spiritual nature.

Dog begins with D, the fourth letter, and 4 is a physical number. A
dog has a physical body with four legs. Its fun to see what the difference is
by taking the word “difference” literally. I subtracted one from the other
and an amazing thing happened:

GOD — 764
DOG — 467

There is a BIG difference between God and a dog!
Actually, in several mythologies dogs are the guardians of Hell, the
opposite end of the polar spectrum from where all emanates from the
God of Heaven.

Something very interesting happens when we analyze the Hebrew name
for God, Yod Hé Vau Hé, by the letter numbers in English:

Y —25 H —8 V —22 H —8
O —15 É — 5 A — 1 É — 5
D — 4 13 U — 21 13
44 + 4 + 44 + 4 = 24/ 6
BD F (Be Deaf)

  1. Yod is the male, positive force.

Hé is the female, negative force.
Vau (peg or nail) is the factor that joins Yod and Hé.
The second Hé is the womb from which all becomes manifest, the
result of the union (Vau) of Yod (masculine) and Hé (feminine).

  1. Each part totals to 4’s, the number of material manifestation: the four
    corners of the Earth, the beginning of form; all is Yod Hé Vau Hé.

  2. The fourth letter of the Hebrew, Greek, European, and English al-
    phabets is D. The Roman numeral for 50 is D. There are six D’s, or
    6 × 50 = 300; the Holy Trinity (3) and its infiniteness.

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