The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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Abraham, Karin Lee. Healing Through Numerology. 1st ed. Euclid,
Ohio: RKM Publishing Co., 1985.

Alder, Vera Stanley. The Finding of the Third Eye. 7th ed. New York:
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1976.

America Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. New York:
American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 1969.

Apel, Willi. Harvard Dictionary of Music. 8th ed. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1953.

Balliet, Mrs. L. Dow. Number Vibration in Questions and Answers. 2nd
ed. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Sun Publishing Co., 1983.

———. Vibration. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research, 1969.

Bernstein, Henrietta. The Cabalah Primer. Marina Del Rey, Calif.:
DeVorss and Company, 1984.

Blavatsky, Helen P. Strictly Private E.S.T. Instructions. Glasgow:
William McLellan and Company, 1921.

———. The Secret Doctrine, Volume I: Cosmogenesis, and Volume II:
Anthropogenesis. Pasadena, Calif.: Theosophical University Press,

Cannon, Alexander. The Power Within, 4th ed. New York: E.P. Dutton
and Company, Inc., 1960.

Capt. E. Raymond. Our Great Seal: The Symbols of Our Heritage and
Our Destiny. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Artisan Sales, 1979.

Case, Paul. The Book of Tokens: Tarot Meditations. 10th ed. Los
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The Illustrated Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. New York: Columbia
University press, 1969.

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