The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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Astral world, 130
Astrology, 51, 53, 57
Astronomy, 53
Atziluth, 70-71, 172
Aura, 270
Auric Circles, 270-274
Auric egg, 66
Auric Field, 33
Ayin, 115


Balliet, Mrs. L. Dow, 25, 231, 235
Baraduc, Dr., of Bordeaux, 32
Ben (Bn), 245
Berlin, Irving, 212
Beta waves, 263
Beth, 87-88
Bible, hidden meanings in, 56
Binah, 66, 72, 144, 267
Binah Meditation, 267
Birth Path, 230
Boaz, pillar, 212
Brain waves, 263
Breath, 127-128,
Breath of Life, 81-82, 192
Briah, 70-71, 172


Caballa: See Kabbalah
Caleron, the Great Lover, 154
California Institute of Numerical
Research, 78, 231
Camel, 95, 119


Abraham, Karen Lee, 40
Abraham of the Bible, 61, 63
Abram of the Bible, 126
Abrams, Dr., 40
Abraxes, 92
Abundant Living Foundation, 207
Acoustics, Father of, 44
Adam, 61, 72, 81-82, 161,167, 193
Adam & Eve, 182
Adam Kadmon, 72, 142, 144, 151, 154
Addington, Dr. Jack E., 222
Adonis, 50
Affirmations, 36
Aima, 245
Ain, 66,
Ain Soph Aur, 66, 70, 73, 141-142, 208
Air, 63, 82, 164
Aldebaran, 104
Aleph, 25, 63, 81-83, 130, 164
Alpha, 74, 147
Alpha and Omega, 61, 163
Alpha frequency, 263
Alphabet, 49, 57-58
Anagram, 56
Anger, 115, 127
Apocalypse, 57
Aramaic, 244
Arithmetic of Thought, 158
As Above, So Below, 39-41, 127, 146,
152, 200-01, 211, 244
Assiah, 70-71, 172
Astral plane, 36

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