The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

Campbell, Florence, 231
Cannon, Sir Alexander, 32
Capstone letter, 187
Capstone of Great Pyramid, 74
Cayce, Edgar, 222
Chakras, 37, 273
Chaldeans, 50
Character snalysis, 14
Chesed, 70, 72, 146-7
Chesed Meditation, 268
Cheth, 125-127, 215-6
Childbearing Letter, 126
Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrish, 44
Chochma, 72, 66-69, 143, 144
Chochma meditation, 267
Christ-consciousness, 105, 185, 215, 225,
257, 273
Christ Force, 149
Christ number (77), 185
Christ Principle, 85
Circle, 129
Clairaudience, 35-36, 37
Clairvoyance, 35, 37
Colors, 40, 151, 152
Colors and sound, 40, 151, 152
Colors of aura, 270-72
Commandments: First, 83; Second, 88;
Third, 96; Fourth, 102; Fifth, 126;
Sixth, 106; Seventh, 131; Eighth, 126;
Ninth, 93; Tenth, 84
Confucius, 38
Consonants, 55, 229-230, 249
Contrasts, Law of, 52
Cornerstone letter, 187
Cosmic Consciousness, 171
Cosmic Egg, 61, 162, 171
Cosmic Man. See Adam Kadmon
Cosmic parent, 126, 190
Creative Principle, 63, 82, 144, 170
Creative Trinity. See Trinity
Creator’s attributes, 77
Cross of Crucifixion, 101
Cross, Sign of, 92
Cube, 91, 101, 123, 145, 150


Daath, 69
Daleth, 101, 185
Death, 136, 168
Decad, 155-156

Delta, 101
Desire (vowels), 249
Destiny (Vowels and Consonants), 249,
Destroyer, 147
Diamond, John, 44
Digamma, 104, 105, 113
Disease, 32, 40-41
Disney, Walt (Chart), 239, 241
Divine Wisdom, 123
Divination, 53
Divining rod, 123
Dog letter, 137
Double letters, 63-65, 87, 150
Double Star, 63
Dove of Peace, 270-73
Duad, 142-143


Eagle symbol, 54
Earthly Wisdom, 123
Eidophone, 30, 44
Eisen, Williams, 15, 243-4
Electricity, 39, 143
Elements, 39, 52, 64, 147, 154
Elohim, 150
Elysium, 143
Energy, 39-40,
Ennead, 153-155
Essenes, 49
Ether, 147
Epsilon, 74, 127
Eta, 74, 125, 127
Etheric body, 36
Eve, 167
Eye of God, 54, 115, 248
Eye of Horus, 155
Eye, spiritual, 115, 155


Father of Acoustics, 44
Fetus, 81
Fish symbol, 108
Five senses, 143, 147, 182
Forbidden fruit, 72, 143
Form, in four, 145
Forty, as completion, 71
Fourth Dimension, 35-38, 153
Freemasonry, 54, 66
Friday the thirteenth, 177
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