The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1


Gamma, 95, 119
Geburah, 70, 72, 147
Geburah Meditation, 268
Gematria, 56, 158
Gimel, 95-96, 119
Goal-setting number, 206
God, 91, 131
God, Energy, 39
God’s four-letter names, 145
God’s number, 91
Godhead, 176
Good and Evil, 154, 205
Goodwin, Oliver Matthew, 231
Greek alphabet, 56


Hall, Manly Palmer, 25
Hall, Marie Bauer, 25
Hé, 107, 125-28
Health, 119-120
Hebrew alphabet, 55, 58, 69, 77, 91
Hebrew, ancient, 55, 248
Hebrew letters, 24, 55-60
Heindel, Max, 43, 50
Heptad, 149-151
Hermes, 55, 205
Hexad, 148-149
Higher Self, 134, 229, 263, 267, 272
Hitler, 218
Hod, 72, 153
Hod Meditation, 269
Holy Trinity, See Trinity
Hormones, 32
Horus, Eye of, 155


I AM consciousness, 135
IHVH (Tetragrammaton), 69, 91, 105,
Initiate, a special calling, 61, 133
Initiate, sign of, 89
Initiation, 128, 135, 137, 163
Inner Guidance, 263, 273
Inner Guidance Numbers -Beta State,
Inner Guidance Numbers -Alpha State,
Iota, 74, 133
Isis, Mysteries of, 49


Jachin, pillar, 212
Jehovah, 69, 91
Jesod, 72, 154
Jesod Meditation, 269
Jesus’ Disciples, 109
Jesus’ name number in Greek, 200
Jesus’ Schools of Mystery, 50
Jesus’ teachings, 109, 214
Jesus, The Word, 69
Jim Smith Society, 28
Jordan, Dr. Juno, 17, 231
Joshua, Son of Nun, 109
Judas’ kiss, 118
Jupiter, 74


Kabbalah, 30, 49, 62, 140, 144, 150, 158,
183, 208, 244, 251
Kabbalists, 66, 158, 248
Kaph, 89-90
Kappa, 89-90
Karmic lessons, 231
Karmic numbers, 163, 183, 194-5
Kether Meditation, 267
Kether, 66, 70, 72, 142, 267
Keynote, 43, 71
Keystone letter, 187
Kirlian photography, 37
Knowledge of Good and Evil, 142
Koph, 128-129
Kozminsky, Isadore, 231
Kundalini force, 90, 155, 220


Lamed, 97
Lamda, 97
Lamsa, Dr. George M., 253
Law of the circle, 117, 179, 273
Law of octaves, 152
Law of opposites, 145, 148, 154-5, 161
Letters, 55, 77-79
Letters of first name or word, 78
Letter, the spiritual, 233
Letters as symbols, 77, 157
Levi, Eliphas, 29, 158, 248
Liberace, 216
Life, when it begins, 81-82
Light, 40, 62
Lightning-struck tower. See Tarot
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