The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

Loaves and fishes, 109
Logos, The, 69
Long, Max Freedom, 109, 214
Love, pure, 105
Lunar cycle, 156
Lyre, 52


Macroprospus, 146
Malkuth, 67-68, 72, 156, 269
Malkuth Meditation, 269
Man, 162
Manifestation, procedure of, 154
Mantras, 32
Mark of the Beast, 258
Mars, 74, 119, 190
Masonry, 54
Master Architect, 217, 259
Master Numbers, 211-226
Master’s grip, 155
Material man, 155
Mathematics, 51-52
Matter, 40, 154
Meditation, 32, 110, 267-74
Medulla oblongata, 43
Melchizedek, 49, 61
Mem, 63, 102
Mercury, 55, 74
Mikes of America, 28
Milk Names, 57
Minerva, 150
Mirth, 129
Mithras, 91
Molecules, 39
Monad, 66, 141-142, 151, 156
Monochord, 52
Moon, 74, 156
Moses De Leon, 63
Moses of the Bible, 61, 109
Mother Letters, 63-64, 81, 120
Mu, 102, 103
Music, 35-36, 43-45
Music, rock, 44
Music of the Spheres, 53, 151
Music therapy, 43
Musical scale, 52, 151
Mysteries, 61-74
Mysteries, Kabbalistic, 61
Mysteries, origin of the word, 62
Mystery schools, 50
Mystical marriage, 128


Name, 13, 27-28
Name, ancient, 56
Name, letters of, 56, 236
Name numbers, 229
Names of cities, 28
Name of God in vowels, 30
Narrow Way, 123
Nature’s composition, 52
Netzach, 72, 151
Netzach Meditation, 268
Newlands, Dr. John A., 152
Newton, Sir Isaac, 40
Nixon, Richard M., 117
Notariqon, 56
Nu, 108
Number of healing, 40-41
Number of man, 162
Number of initiation, 128, 153, 163,
Number, karmic, 163, 183, 194, 195
Number of resurrection, 201
Number of nature, 147
Numbers, science of, 51, 52, 56
Numbers, The Sephiroth, 65, 66
Numerology, 14, 27, 39, 40-41, 49,
55-60, 157
Nun, 108-110, 162


Occultism, 15
Octave of vibrations, 152-53
Ogdoad, 152
Old souls, 211
Omega, 74, 115
Omicron, 74, 115
Oracle of Delphi, 49
Orpheus, 53
Oxgoad, 97
Oxhead, 25, 81


Pathways of the Tree, 70
Pé, 121
Pentad, 146-148
Pentalpha, 147
Pentagram, 146, 147
Phallic symbol, 55, 156
Pharisees, 109
Phé, 121
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