The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

Philosphical Research Society, 13, 25,
Pineal gland, 72, 136, 155
Piscean Age, 108
Pituitary gland, 131
Planetary tones, 150-51
Planets’ orbits, 74, 152 , 201
Plants’ reaction to music, 44
Plato, 54
Polygraph machine, 44
Prayer, 36
Predictions, 37
Psychic awareness, 98, 111
Psychic experience, 123
Psychic Master, 212
Psychic, 31
Pyramid, 146
Pythagoras, 49-54, 101, 122
Pythagoras’s Law of Opposites. See Law
of opposites
Pythagoras’s famous theorem, 52; most
important symbol, 73-74; Oath, 49;
School, 50; view on God, 74, 142;
wife and children, 53; on Anger, 51;
on Divination, 53; on the Hexad, 148;
on man’s soul, 146; on the Monad,
141; on numbers, 51-52, 157; on
silence, 51; on temper, 51; on the
triangle, 144, on Wisdom, 51; on the
Y, 123


Qabbala. See kabbalah
Qliphoth, 157
Qoph, 128-129
Qoppa, 128


Reproduction, 81
Resh, 135-136
Rho, 135, 136
Rock music, 44
Root races, 72


Samekh, 116-17
Saturn, 74
Schin, 63, 85, 117
Scorpio, 110
Seal, The Great Seal of the U.S., 54

Secret of numbers, 23-26, 45
Seers, 38
Sepharim, 62
Sepher Yetzirah, 63-64, 66, 150
Sephiroth, 66-68, 144, 270
Serpent of the Tree of Life, 90, 143, 155
Seton, Dr. Julia, 231
Seven double letters, 63-65, 150
Seven loaves, 109
Seven senses, 150
Shaeffer, Asa A., 201
Sic-M, Society of Susans, 28
Sigma, 85, 116
Silver cord, 81
Single, or simple letters, 63-64
Sixth sense, 114
Solar plexus, 72, 130, 273
Soul’s Urge, 234, 270-71
Soul’s Urge, Energy, 270
Sound, 40, 44
Spectroscopy, 39
Speech sounds, 62, 69, 127
Sphere of Fear, 148
Spiritual letter, 236
Spiritual man, 155
Spiritual teachers, 110
Square, 102, 176
Stress, 32, 175
Substance, 40
Sun, 74
Sword, anagram, 56
Symbols, 24


Table of Events, 78
Talmud, 119
Tarot, 248
Tarot cards: Death, 80, 103, 177,
Lightning-struck tower, 118, 194, 226,
Devil, 258, Empress, 258, Hanged
man, 258, Lovers, 258, Hermit, 258
Tartarus, 143
Tau, (Tav), 90-93
Taurus, 81, 104
Temper, 127
Temurah, 56
Teth, 90-93
Tetractys of Pythagoras, 73-74, 91, 142,
143,155, 273
Tetrad, 145-146
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