The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1



to Letters


photograph can stir up so many memories. A picture can tell a
whole story without words. A logo design can hold so much mean-
ing that many have become well-known symbols. That is what
letters were originally meant to do.

Letters were created as more than the tools to form written words.
The shape of each one was carefully considered in order to convey the
meaning behind the letter. You see, the shape of each one, based on the
geometric figures of point, line, circle, triangle, and square, creates an en-
ergy field with its lines of force. These influence their characteristics. Just
meditate on each shape and you will sense the individual properties of
these forms, i.e., the circle, having no edges, suggests unending energies,
while the square with its edges has an entirely different energy reaction.

In order to create the world, God had to use the only substance in
existence: Himself. So these building blocks are His attributes. Now here
is the secret: the sound of each letter sets up a vibration that conforms to
those attributes; the shape of each letter is designed to call them to mind;
and their numbered place in the alphabet is their actual rate of vibration
when thought or spoken. This gives them a scientific cohesiveness.

Hebrew Kabbalists planned their letters and corresponding numbers
to be interchangeable: A means one, B-two, G-three, and D-four, etc.
While each is a picture that gives something of face value, by understand-
ing the symbolism an even deeper meaning is revealed.

That alphabet was the model for hundreds of others, and though the
letter sounds have come to us untouched, the symbols have changed to
suit our needs. Yet amazingly, the attributes still apply, as we shall see
when we analyze words.

Seen as a whole, letters tell of every possible life experience. Mystics
know that by meditating on a symbol it will reveal itself, and the meditator’s
awareness will expand. In the letters are the answers to all of life’s prob-
lems, for each one is a path on the Tree of Life.

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