The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

enters the new body, and like Adam, becomes a living being (The Wis-
dom of the Mystic Masters, 28). This is why the time of birth, rather than
the time of conception, is of key importance to astrologers.

Aleph is the vital principle of all, the breath of life, and it flows even
through inanimate objects. Nothing can exist without Air—so we find
Aleph in height and depth and also the path between the two. We can see
that pictorially in the shape of the English letter A as well as in the He-
brew letter symbol !!!!!.

Aleph is not a vowel sound, but like that of soft breathing from the
back of the throat, Air that is necessary for the creative words to float out
upon, giving them sound and life. There was no sound in Greek to com-
pare with the glottal consonant of the Hebrew Aleph, so they used this
first letter for their A vowel and named it Alpha, meaning “first.”

The Romans borrowed it from the Greeks and called it simply, “A.”
All of the Indo-European languages have this A as their first letter, and
they all kept the same shape which, ironically, is like that of a diaphragm
which helps to push forth air. And A, like the glyph for Aleph, has three
lines which represent the Creative Principle: the trio of Will, Wisdom,
and Activity.

The lesson of A is that of self-control. The balance line in the middle
separates the upper spiritual world from the lower material world, giving
the “A” a balance of forces, or energies to help with this lesson.

The A is a picture of a man standing well balanced on two feet. This
shows initiative and leadership ability. A also stands for ambition. In a
name it adds strength of character. During the year the A is in force,
there is a feeling of being in charge, wanting to take the initiative and not
be subservient; a person may even feel a little too self-important. The A
wants to be in charge. A stands for Aggressive.

When things go wrong, A becomes disturbed and is better off making
decisions quickly. The A can become uptight because it usually has its
feet firmly on the ground, so when it’s upset (upside down) it must try to
keep its balance on a point. Unless it decides quickly, it can lose its sense
of balance. A is an article that stands for one, i.e., A house, A person.

The negative A is very self-centered, opinionated, and selfish, for it is 1
and thinks of itself as number one.

Since Aleph is “soft breathing” and represents the Element of Air, A
is susceptible to colds and respiratory problems. Anyone whose name has
A for the first letter or vowel should never smoke. And during the year
any A in the name has an increased danger in smoking. It is important for
A to learn how to breathe properly, letting lungs expand with each breath.
Fresh air is most beneficial.

Aleph is both life and breath. Breath and life are all one. This oneness
of life and breath is called ruach in Hebrew, and in Sanskrit it is prana, in
Greek it is pneuma, and in Latin, spiritus. Breath, life, and spirit are one.
And one is Aleph and Aleph is one.

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