The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

letter of the English alphabet, it is the first letter on a new level of con-
sciousness; 10 higher than 1. The number 10 means it has been here be-
fore and now has new paths to explore.

J’s are usually religious, for J carries a cross that is also a crown. The
number 10 is self (1) and God Power (0), so J’s seek an ennobled or
advanced position in life.

The shape of the letter is like a fishhook with the hook facing the left.
Since we write from left to right, the left indicates the past and the right,
the future. So the hook facing left tells us that the J has a good memory,
and it acts as a cup to retain that memory and knowledge.

J’s do not like to be told what to do for they are not natural followers;
they are leaders. They have much ambition and creative ways to accom-
plish their goals.

J’s seldom ask for advice, for the 10 insists that they have total self-
reliance, drawing upon God Power within. This demonstrates why so many
religious leaders had names that started with J: Jesus; John the Baptist;
John the Apostle; Jacob, who became the father of the Jewish nation;
James the apostle; Jeremiah, a major prophet of the Old Testament; and
Joshua, Son of Nun, who took Moses’ place.

Also, J starts such words as judgement, justice, and judges. If J is the
only number 1 letter in the name, the person can lose confidence. This is
because the J is on a rocker, not firmly in position. At times J’s procras-
tinate. J’s must be careful of accidents because the 1 is so daring and the
rocker is a precarious balance.

The truly negative J is dishonest. But as a rule the J is witty and hu-
morous, cautious and clever. It can be outstanding in its work.

Yod corresponds to the Tenth Commandment: “Thou shalt not
covet ...” because Yod is the hand that works to create, it is representa-
tive of honest labor. We are all entitled to all we earn. To desire what
someone else has worked for is a form of self-condemnation. The good
we do is a positive force that returns our good to us, while evil, being the
opposing or negative side, continually destroys itself.

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