The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

The 9 makes S very dramatic and emotional. People with these two
qualities make good actors, for they can draw from their sensitivities to
portray a character.

This letter consists of two C’s: one open to the spiritual/mental plane
and the other to the material/physical plane, so it not only “sees” both
realms and is psychic, but can control both worlds as well. Its serpentine
shape symbolically reveals the fact that it has the wisdom of the serpent.

Each C is like an open moon shining its light in its area. The upper
half faces the future and is open to spiritual insight as well as talents,
intuition, and ideas from the creative level. Being so receptive on the
spiritual plane, it enjoys dwelling there in daydreams. Once it discovers
the world in the mind it is intrigued by all it can learn.

The bottom half faces the past from the level of the material world, so
it remembers back to a younger age than most. Actors whose names be-
gin with S or have S’s in their names find that their good memory helps
them draw on past experiences.

S may change direction mid-stream in search for the right way to
approach a problem. The reverse curve in the letter means sudden changes:
changes of mind, of place, of direction. Because of this it is often difficult
for an S to plan ahead.

S will, at some time, have to choose between the lower C of sensuality
and the upper C of spirituality.

Negative S’s think too much of themselves. They assert their indepen-
dence sometimes to their own detriment. Some turn from the light to the
baser path. Otherwise, S seeks wisdom as the serpent form represents.

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