The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

  1. The Roots of Numerology 55

Origin of the Alphabet; Gematria, Temurah, Notariqon

  1. Introduction to the Mysteries 61
    Sepher Yetzirah, The Tree of the Sephiroth (Tree of Life),
    Adam Kadmon, Pythagorean Tetractys

Part Three

Mystical Letters

  1. Prelude to Letters 77

  2. The 1 Letters:

A. Aleph 81
J. Yod 83
S. Schin 85

  1. The 2 Letters:

B Beth 87
K Kaph 89
T Teth; Tau or Tav 90

  1. The 3 Letters:

C Gimel 95
L Lamed 97

  1. The 4 Letters:

D Daleth 101
M Mem 102
V Vau or Vav 104

  1. The 5 Letters:

E 107
N Nun 108
W 111

  1. The 6 Letters:

F 113
O Ayin 115
X Samekh (X and S) 116

  1. The 7 Letters:

G Gimel 119
P Pé or Phé 121
Y Yod 122
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