The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Ironically it is the Third Commandment that tells us not to take the
name of the Lord God in vain. There is power in our speech. It can be
healing or hurtful and every word we utter returns to us, whether blessing
or curse, each one being a seed sent forth only to return to us in full
maturity. Harmful words create inharmonious vibrations which, accord-
ing to the law of the circle (cycle), return to the giver or speaker.

C is pronounced “see” and it does indeed see for it is psychic, though
not always aware of it.

The shape of C is the half-moon giving light to the Earth. 3’s do enjoy
letting their light shine and are happiest when they can bring a smile or
entertain others.

C is also like an open mouth; it loves to talk. Negative C’s tend to
gossipuse words unwisely.

C is open to receive talents. They have many kinds of creative self-
expression. It is just as easy for them to scatter their energies. Some are
real show-offs. They want to enjoy life, have fun, and not take things so
seriously. They love to inspire people with their words, oral or written.
And they do, for they have a marvelous creative imagination.

It is difficult for C to save money. Money is energy and it is tempting
to scatter it, causing money worries. Anyone with a 30 birth date who has
a C in their name is apt to leave covers off things like toothpaste tubes,
camera lenses, anything that has accessory parts. Rather than keep a set
of like equipment together in one box, the parts disappear one by one.
That is a scattering of energy too.

C’s are artistic and prefer professional work. They hate mundane jobs
and manual labor unless it is creative. They want to enjoy everything they
do, even in their work. They need someone to manage their business needs
so they can devote their time to creativity. They see the abstract and can
capture it in words, paintings, and ideas.

C is shaped like a U sideways. Where U holds things like a cup does,
C lets it all flow out, so the emotions cannot be held in.

The negative C’s may have loose morals, or be too serious or critical
of others. They are intolerant. They gossip.

Words that describe C are: Careless, Character, Communicative,
Confident, and Creative.

C likes to travel. Here again Gimel (camel) has its influence, since the
camel was used for transportation, to travel to distant places.

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