Beyond Good and Evil

(Barry) #1
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is counter to our vanity.

  1. With regard to what ‘truthfulness’ is, perhaps nobody
    has ever been sufficiently truthful.

  2. One does not believe in the follies of clever men: what
    a forfeiture of the rights of man!

  3. The consequences of our actions seize us by the fore-
    lock, very indifferent to the fact that we have meanwhile

  4. There is an innocence in lying which is the sign of good
    faith in a cause.

  5. It is inhuman to bless when one is being cursed.

  6. The familiarity of superiors embitters one, because it
    may not be returned.

  7. ‘I am affected, not because you have deceived me, but
    because I can no longer believe in you.’

  8. There is a haughtiness of kindness which has the ap-
    pearance of wickedness.

  9. ‘I dislike him.’—Why?—‘I am not a match for him.’—
    Did any one ever answer so?

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