Learn Java for Web Development

(Tina Meador) #1
CHAPTER 1: Introducing Java Web Development 19

Now you will learn how to create a simple but functional version of the stand-alone bookstore
application that you’ll work on throughout this book.

The Bookstore Application

Instead of simply declaring one web framework as the best, this book intends to show the strengths
of the most popular web frameworks by means of a real-world bookstore application. Developing a
complete real application necessitates a seamless collaboration of dynamic functionalities, and the
code for building such components is contrived and too involved. Instead of focusing on developing
such moving parts, this book confines its attention on leveraging the strengths of each web
framework. Throughout the book, you will learn how to use Java EE and the Java web frameworks
to build the bookstore web application. In this chapter, you will take the first step by building a
traditional stand-alone Java bookstore application. In Chapter 2, you will transform the stand-alone
application into a web application.

Throughout this book, I will use a single web application case study to demonstrate how to write a
web application using servlets and JSPs and the different web frameworks such as JSF, Struts 2,
Spring Web MVC, and rapid web development frameworks such as Grails and Play. The application
allows users to view books and search for them by keyword, usually by the first name or last name
of the author and the title of the book.

Figure 1-11. Javadoc for the HelloWorld class

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