Learn Java for Web Development

(Tina Meador) #1
CHAPTER 2: Building Web Applications Using Servlets and JSP 67

   Data compression filters
 Encryption filters
 Image conversion filters
 Logging and auditing filters

Configuring Servlet via Annotations

From Servlet 3.0 onward, servlets can be configured either via web.xml or using annotations or both.
Table 2-2 describes the annotations supported by a Servlet 3.0–compliant web container.

Table 2-2. Annotations for Configuring the Servlet
Annotation Description
@WebFilter Defines a filter in a web application
@WebInitParam Specifies init parameters to be passed to the servlet or the filter
@WebListener Annotates a listener to get events
@WebServlet Defines a component in a web application
@MultipartConfig Indicates that the request is of type mime/multipart

In the section that follows, you will develop a helloworld project in which you will configure the
servlet via annotations. Right-click the project helloworld, create a new servlet class, and give the
class name as HelloWorld, as shown in Figure 2-18. Click Next.

Figure 2-18. Creating a servlet

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