Praying To Get Results

(Elle) #1

26 Praying To Get Results

The ministers in our area had a fellowship meeting on the
first Monday of every month. The preachers talked about their
burdens, cares, responsibilities, and anxieties. Often they would
ask me, "How goes the battle?" (They were all in a battle, but I
didn't have any battle. I had the victory! Men in battle haven't
won the victory yet. The battle is the Lord's; the victory is ours.)
Here were these preachers with long faces talking about their
burdens, cares, and problems in their churches. One of them said
to me later, "Your faith condemned us when you'd wave your
hand and say, 'Men, I don't have a care! Things couldn't be
Some would shake their heads and say, "The poor boy—he
doesn't have enough sense to worry." The truth is, I had too
much sense—too much Bible sense—to worry! If I had cast my
cares on the Lord, then I didn't have them. He did. I didn't say no
cares existed. I said, "I don't have a care."
One pastor would say, "He's lying. I'm his neighboring
pastor, and I know him better than the rest of you. I know about
the problems in his church."
But I'd breeze by and say, "Men, I don't have a care!" I
didn't. I had cast them on the Lord once and for all. You can,

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