(Amelia) #1

General Skiing 200-250
Scuba Diving 200-250
Whitewater rafting, kayaking or canoeing 150-200
Flag or Touch Football 250-300
Horseback Riding – Trotting 200-250
Martial Arts 300-350
Racquetball 200-250
Volleyball – 6 to 9 person team 90-120
Volleyball – Beach 25-300
Tennis – singles 250-300
Tai Chi 120-180

*Your results will depend on how much you currently weigh as well. If you're
looking for an accurate calculation based on your body weight and details of
the exercise you are performing go to iVillage.com at

From this chart you can see that walking is a great way to get exercise. If you're
too busy to do any of the other exercises, a good walk is a good start.

TIP #99: Don't discourage yourself from exercising and eating right by wearing
clothes that don't fit. If you're a medium, wear a medium. Wearing the wrong
types of clothes can make you appear larger than you really are. This includes
workout wear as well. If you wear clothes that fit now, you get to go shopping
later for smaller clothes and you can sell your slightly worn larger clothes in a
consignment shop or you can take them to Goodwill to be given to someone
who can use them.

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