Web Animation using JavaScript: Develop & Design (Develop and Design)

(Joyce) #1

Sketch program 104


animations  on  older   browsers    and  139
purchasing from eBay 144
realities of web performance 118

Sneaky images, performance issues 139 – 140

Span elements

animating   text    and  80
tag option in Blast 87 – 88

Spring physics, easing values in Velocity 23

stagger feature, in UI pack 133 – 134


animations   49
solutions to concurrency issues 133 – 134
solutions to image rendering issues 138
text animation and 91

Status indicators

data    transfer    indicators   41
loading text and 97
uses of SVG 109

Stutters (janks), layout thrashing and 121

Style sheets, JavaScript vs. CSS 4

See also CSS


optimized   coding  approach    to  separating  from    logic    60 – 65
standard coding approach to separating from logic 59 – 60
SVG 107

SVG (scalable vector graphics)

animated    logo    example  112 – 113
animating graphic components 50
animations 109
creating images through code 104
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