Web Animation using JavaScript: Develop & Design (Develop and Design)

(Joyce) #1

Triggers, flowing from triggering elements 49

Trigonometric easings, easing values in Velocity 22


UI (user interface)

conventions in  making  design  choices  41
motion design improving user experience 38
UI animation libraries 14
UI animation workflow 65

UI pack

fade    effect  in   91
getting and installing 65
optimized coding approach to packaging effects 70 – 72
stagger feature in 133 – 134
transition.fadeOut effect 92
transitioning text fancifully 96

Unit types, values in Velocity 19 – 20

User experience. See UX (user experience)

User interface. See UI (user interface)

Utility aspects, of motion design

alerts  and flags   for leveraging  user    response     42 – 43
conventions in making design choices 41
engaging users in tasks 42
indicators of severity of irreversible actions 43
limiting animations 45
limiting durations 45
mirroring animations 44
overview of 39 – 40
previewing outcomes 41
reducing concurrency 43
reducing variety 44
visceral nature of interactions 43

Utility function, Velocity 66

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