Accessible Edinburgh 1 - Full PDF eBook

(Jeff_L) #1

158 Accessible Edinburgh: A Festival Guide Shopping 159

William and Stafford Sts, plus the weekly foodfest of Edinburgh
Farmers Market.

Edinburgh Farmers Market
0131-652 5940;; Castle Tce;
9am-2pm Sat; all Lothian Rd buses

This colourful weekly event attracts stallholders who sell
everything from wild boar, venison and home-cured pedigree
bacon to organic bread, free-range eggs, honey and handmade

0131-229 6428;; 97-101 Lothian
Rd; 9.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Sat; all Lothian Rd buses

Wonderland is a classic kids-with-their-noses-pressed-against-
the-window toy shop that is filled with model aircraft, Lego Star
Wars kit, radio-controlled cars and all sorts of other desirable
things, but it also caters to the serious train set and model-
making fraternity. It’s wheelchair-accessible, with ramps in the
store to the different levels.

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