The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
1 72 k7 The Secret Lije fe Nature Their four seals will be imprinted upon his finer bodies and he can call upon them and their i ...
The Mysteries 173 More sylphs appear, "lovely creatures, moving about the lodge, ra- diant, charged with joy and vitality, their ...
174 @ The Secret L$ fe Nature sacrum at the base of the spine. Solar and planetary kundalini are said to be in constant activity ...
7'he Mysteries G 175 possessed of theurgic powers. "The intensely heightened vibrations of the brain, glands, cells, and aerial ...
Master Mason utters the formula of closing, the angels of the assistant of- ficers fade away, leaving only the august thought-fo ...
17 17. Great White Brothers The wisdom of the mysteries has been kept alive on the planet, ac- cording to Hodson, by an active b ...
178 G The Secret Li$e of Nature science with religion, the existence of God and the immortality of man's spirit may be demonstra ...
Great White Brothers P ,179 a very old and noble family. His eyes are large and brown, filled with tenderness and humor, though ...
180 k? The Secret Lije of Nature with members of the White Brotherhood both in and out of human incarnation."The mahatmas, says ...
Great Wite Brothers 27 181 find, visit either ourselves or our retreats against Our will. Similarly no one flying over, travelin ...
182 @ The Secret Lije fe Nature Hoomi was described as riding a large bay horse, occasionally accom- panied by Master Morya when ...
Great W'hite Brothers fl 183 deliberately to obfuscate Blavatsky's accurate perception and compre- hension of the Christ, "manip ...
candidate, and he was to tell the initiator what they were. He also had to distinguish between the astral bodies of a living man ...
Great White Brothers Q 185 manity toward the same goal, it is convenient, says Leadbeater, to re- tain physical bodies. "To be s ...
did so always in full physical and mental consciousness, by "hyper- mental awareness." In this way, says Hodson, the master coul ...
Great White Brothers @ 187 knowledge attained by study or during philosophical education in pre- vious incarnations. More import ...
What2 to Be Done What then are the messages of theosophy and anthroposophy, and how do they differ? Largely over a variant view ...
showing how both humanity and world originated from a divine- spiritual cosmos in which everyone could acquire knowledge of high ...
What's to Be Done? Q 191 But why, one might ask, with such a genius in our midst-philoso- pher, author, architect, painter, scul ...
192 @ The Secret Lij2 feiVature chorus can either press toward us and reveal itself to us if we willingly take in spiritual idea ...
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