The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
What's to Be Done? fl 193 tual beings from the cosmos. They are trying to gain a foothold in earthly existence-which they can on ...
194 fl The Secret Li@ of Nature when one encounters say a plant or an animal or even a human being one feels as if a part of one ...
What's to Be Done? @ 195 One of the tasks of anthroposophy is to make the reality of heav- enly beings and the meditative practi ...
196 JP The Secret LiJe of Nature the elemental worlds, observing the spiritual world beyond the thresh- old while outside the ph ...
I9 Other Dimensions A few doses of the liquor distilled from segments of Banisteriopsis caapi, mixed with leaves from the bushy ...
Taken ritually, the ayahuasca or yaje tea is described as opening the doors of communication between the mind and the astral, "a ...
Other Dimensions fl 199 snake and I-moved silently toward it and in a flash had swallowed it. It felt strange in my throat, and ...
200 47 The Secret Lfe of Nature Columbia College, New York, and Cambridge University, England, resident of Colombia, and contrib ...
Other Dimensions B 201 stages of the experience-to accept the additional cups which Pacho and others said would bring on the vis ...
202 9 The Secret Liji feNature round the squatting gringo, mocking his queasiness until they evapo- rated with the squirts of sh ...
Other Dimensions JP 203 Surprisingly, some of Amaringo's canvases contain spaceships with beings whose bodies appear more subtle ...
204 D The Secret Liji of Nature out the Daime at this time in history because humanlund has destroyed a large part of the forest ...
20 Tripping in Holland For those who cannot afford a five-thousand-dollar trip to Brazil to be indoctrinated into the mysteries ...
appeared to be lawyers, psychologists, artists, businessmen. Only a few of the younger ones wore their hair Jesus-length, and on ...
Tripping in Holland @ 207 blue trousers, and blue bow ties-stood ready with a score of sheeted mattresses to receive the purged ...
208 D The Secret Lqe fe Nature congregation in a recital of the Lord's Prayer in Portuguese, followed by an Ave Maria. Only the ...
Tripping in Holland D 209 Back in my seat, I wonder at all the warnings I've received from friends and family not to take the st ...
21 0 @ The Secret Li) feNature confrontation with the true self that is obtained through Daime consti- tutes "the quintessence o ...
Tripping in Holland P 2 1 1 Almost three hours have passed. Half a dozen men and women have either vomited or been stretched out ...
212 @ The Secret Liji of Nature I worry that my visions may be starting. So I keep my eyes open and thank heaven, as I close the ...
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