The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1

Intrigued by the prospect of further validating the nature of the
Leadbeater and Besant UPA, or subquark, Phillips traveled to Toronto
to the Dharma Center, a Buddhist meditational retreat, where he tape-
recorded Ron Cowen in several many-houred sessions as the psychic
used his remarkable talent to delve even deeper into the microscopic
world of superstrings and gluons.
In a detailed paper-of which the following account is but a
prkcis-Phillips describes how Ron, given a capsule of hydrogen, but
without being told what it contained, used his ESP to penetrate the
glass and capture an object that gave him the impression of consisting
of two overlapping triangles with spheres at their corners-clearly,
says Phillips, two hydrogen nuclei, precisely as described by the theos-
Already Ron was validating the theosophists' observations by not-
ing the diatomic gas molecule he had chosen to collapse into a brief
"chaos" before reforming it into a facsimile of the "atom7' described by
Leadbeater and Besant. What they had observed-it was now clear to
Phillips-were not the actual atoms but restabilized forms created from
pairs of atomic nuclei destabilized by being viewed psychokinetically.
Pulling apart the triangles of what were evidently quarks in the hy-
drogen nucleus, Ron increased his magnifiing power to scrutinize one
of the corner spheres, which contained what looked to him like three
walnuts joined together into a fan-shaped cloverleaf by three looping
threads or strings: precisely the triplet of UPAS that the theosophists
called a "hydrogen tripletu-today's quark.
Ron said two of the walnuts were facing him, whereas the third
faced away. He got a snapshot of one walnut having flipped its axis,
sensing that the others had also done so simultaneously. All three wal-
nuts now took turns at being odd-man-out, the rhythm of flipping
being regular with both walnuts and threads attached to them. This
synchronized random flipping of three UPAS in a hydrogen triplet, or
quark, says Phillips, is remarkable confirmation of the superposition
principle of quantum mechanics. All known particles in the universe
are divisible into two groups: particles of spin I /2, which make up mat-
ter-protons, quarks, electrons-and particles of spin o, I, and 2, which

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