The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

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102 @ 'The Secret Liji of Nature

experience. With consciousness as the highest aspect of reality, and
matter the lowest, mind comes in between. And the link between
mind and matter lies in the nature of the perception by consciousness
of a world outside itself.
For consciousness to unfold its potentialities as it descends from the
unmanifest into manifestation, its descent must be preceded by the for-
mation by Shiva-Shakti of a manifested system in different grades of
mind and matter.This, in theosophical terms, becomes the realm of the
supreme creator, the Cosmic Logos, a realm achieved through what is
described as cosmic ideation. Such ideation, or the projection from a
state of consciousness of something outside itself, is compared to an
artist creating a picture in his mind. So long as the picture is only in the
mind, it remains potential; once the picture is actually drawn, it goes
from the realm of the mind to that of an object.
In this theology, for the cosmos to come into being, the "Father-
Mother" principle, synlbolized as the number two, produces the "Son,"
symbolized as three. In Meister Eckhart's vision, from the predicateless
Godhead proceed the three persons of the Trinity, conceived as stadia
of an external self-revealing process.And the eternal generation of the
Son for Eckhart is equivalent to the eternal creation of the world. In
Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine the Son of the Hidden Father is known
as the Cosmic Logos. With a dual personality, partly unmanifest and
partly manifest, this Cosmic Logos becomes the creator of the whole
universe of manifestation, with its galaxies and solar systems, in all
possible grades of subtlety, created through the medium of cosmic
Pure consciousness when it ideates and projects this manifested
universe in all its different grades and infinite variety of forms is de-
scribed as being present in every part of every form of the manifested
universe as its basic substance, the basis of differently evolving forms.
By analogy: in a world of multiform golden objects, the forms may
change, but the gold remains the same. Manifest and unmanifest re-
main integral aspects of the Ultimate Reality.
As logos means "word," it is "sound" that constitutes the formative
agency. Manifestation, essentially an interplay of Shiva and Shakti, of
consciousness and power, is produced, with sound as the instrument of

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