The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1

xii @ The Secret Lije of Nature

All of nature assumes a magical vesture. Like Aleister Crowley, I
swim in nature like a fish in the sea, and nature swims in me like the
sea in a fish! Even ticks, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes find an explanation
when attributed to the plethora of noxious thoughts produced by hu-
mans. No longer do I rail at the inanities, inadequacies, and injustices
of a totally corrupt politico-scientific establishment; I am more san-
guine now, certain that they, too, will mend their ways. Instead of re-
coiling at the sight of some physically or spiritually distasteful person,
I now rejoice that but for some angelic grace that person could be me
and in some distant way is me. And it is sobering to realize that noth-
ing one does, says, or thinks can escape the scrutiny of a vast and
friendly audience-eyes wide, staring in wonder from the under-
brush-only waiting to applaud the least sign of an upright, noble, or
loving gesture.
Readers from all around the globe still write me that The Secret Lij
ofplants radically changed their way of looking at nature and their way
of 1iving.This book, I hope, may do the same, or more.

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