The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1
160 @ The Secret L$e of Nature

represents the formulation of the archetypal ideas in the Divine Mind,
the first stage of their expression in creation.And 1+2+3+4+... +31'
496; not only is this the number of Malkuth, it is also Green and
Schwartz's number characterizing superstring physics.
Malkuth, as explained by Phillips, has the number 496 "because the
number specifies the highest point in the Cosmic Tree of Life below
which subquark superstrings with nine spatial dimensions become the
building blocks of physical matter."
Malkuth's Jewish God-name is Adonai Melekh, which gives the
number value of 65 for the first word and 155 for the whole name.And
it can hardly be a coincidence, Phillips points out, that the ten lowest
trees in the Cosmic Tree of Life have sixty-five sephiroth levels and the
twenty-five lowest trees have 155. It indicates, says Phillips, that the
physical level of the Cosmic Tree of Life spans twenty-five spatial di-
mensions-the number of spatial dimensions of bosonic strings.
Thus, while Adonai specifies the ten lowest trees in the Cosmic
Tree of Life, which denote the ten-dimension space-time of super-
strings, Malkuth encodes the dimensionality of space-time of both
string and superstring levels.
The number 248, with its key role in subatomic physics, as identi-
fied by Green and Schwartz, is deducible again from the nineteen tri-
angles of the lowest tree in the CosmicTree of Life.Transforming these
triangles into three tetractyses, one discovers that there are 248 points
below Kether, apex of the Tree of Life.
If this process is repeated for every one of the ten lower trees in the
Cosmic Tree of Life--which to Phillips represent the ten dimension of
superstrings-one makes the even more amazing discovery that there
are exactly 1,680 points below the apex of the tenth tree-precisely
the number of first-order spirillae in the whorl of a Leadbeater UPA,
identified by Phillips as the subquark state of a superstring, each of its
ten whorls being a closed twenty-six-dimension bosonic string. Of
these, the lowest six tornoidally compactified dimensions manifested to
Leadbeater as the six higher orders of helices making up each of the
1,680 turns of a whorl. Amazing, says Phillips, that the number 1,680,
so painstakingly counted by Leadbeater, should reappear in the Tree of

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