The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1

The Mysteries @ 1 71

by filling it with the power of their respective levels."An etheric ceil-
ing is spread over the whole of the lodge, and from that ceiling sup-
porting columns are described as developing downward "like the roots
of a banyan tree." The thought-form thus created is supposed to be the
close reproduction of a Greek temple, the rows of columns that sup-
port its heavy roof standing outside the central chamber, the only part
of the temple fully enclosed. Soon, says Leadbeater, the whole lodge is
pulsating with elemental life, "all of which is filled with the most in-
tense eagerness to launch itself upon the work at hand."
The elementals and nature spirits of different levels are described
as varying greatly in development and intelligence, some being well
defined and active while others are vague and cloudlike. Each group
shows its distinctive colors, floating over the official who is its physical-
plane representative. In the case of the lower officers, it requires, says
Leadbeater, but a slight development of clairvoyance to see them float-
ing overhead. "And if an officer reaches up to his Deva and allows its
force to flow freely through him, his higher principles will become one
with that Deva. He will then be an excellent channel for the divine
It is now, says Hodson, that the candidate is presented to the nature
spirit representative of four orders of the invisible forces and the intel-
ligences associated with them-those of earth, water, air, and fire. This
is to introduce the candidate to the intelligences that both build the
universe and help forward the evolution of the human soul. A second
reason is that the candidate is about to be made a Mason, and a Mason
is considered a builder and a builder a creator.
The candidate, in Hodson's description, makes offerings, which es-
tablish an operative link between him and the nature spirits of earth,
water, air, and fire, so that through them he may be linked with their
angelic and archangelic seniors."As the offerings fall to the ground, the
nature spirits step onto them and absorb what they can of their mag-
netism, happily accepting them."
Each of the nature spirits, in its order and at its station, having ac-
knowledged the candidate, admits him to the brotherhood. "In future
they will be his men and he a member of each of their four 'guilds.'

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