The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1
224 fl The Secret Liji feNature

Great White Brotherhood (continued) Hofhann, Albert, 169
as guardian of manuscripts, 182; initi- Holy Rishis, 163,167
ation rites into, 183-84. See also mys- human creation, 15-52
teries, the
Greek religions, 165-66
Green, Michael, 86, 159, 160
GriEiths, Frances, $9, 13-15.~0-23,2~-~8
group souls, 141
guardian angels, 132

hadrons, 75,76
Hagemann, Ernst, 120
Hall, Manly I?, 3-31.111
Handbook $Angels, A (Moolenburgh),
Head, Anne, 23
Hermes, 164
"heterotic superstring," 85
hierarchies: of angels, 149, 150; as de-
scribed by Dionysius, 135-36; earth
life developed from, 145-52; First,

  1. 14s-46,149-50; Second, 135,
    145, 147-48, 19394; sephiroth to
    represent, 155;Third, 135, 13642,193
    Higgs field theory, 82-85
    Higgs, Peter, 82
    Hill, Frank, 20
    Hodson, Geoffrey: on adeptship in
    Egypt, 164; on clairvoyant investiga-

Huxley,Aldous, 206
hydrogen atom, 78-79
hydrogen triplet, 90
hypercolor gluons, 93
hypergluons, 89

ida, 174
Image of God in Matter, The (Phillips), 154
Imagination of Pentecost, The (Leviton), 108
Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky), 3-31, 167
isotopes, 73
Iyengar, I? K., 78

Jackson, Paul, 182
Jacob's Ladder, 158
Janarajadasa, Charles, 71-72,7q, 175
Jehovah, 157, 158,159
Johnson, K. Paul, 179
Jonah initiation, 167
Josephson, Brian, 68

Kabba1ah:Your Path to Freedom (Williams-
Heller), 154
kabbalah, 153
KaliYuga (dark age), 165, 167
Kama, 125
tlons of atoms, 38-40; devas de- Kamadevas, 125
scribed by, 123, 124, 125-27, 128-30; karma, 192
explores solar system, 36-37; gnomes Kether (Crown), 154, 155
described by, 45-48; on human life- Knowledge ofHigher Worlds and How to
force/energy, 174-75; investigations Achieve It (Steiner), 196
on fairies by, 11-15, 17, 19,28; on lay- koilon, 82
ers of kundalini, 105-6; on Masonry, Koot Hoomi, Prince, 29,177, 179,
169, 171-73, 175-76; on the myster- 18-82
ies, 16748, 177; nature spirits de- Krishna, Gopi, 106
scribed by, 43-56, 57,6245; on Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 189
oxygen atoms, 35; past lives of, kundalini, 41,42, 1054, 173-74
186-87; psychometry method used "Kundalini-Shakti; Its Use in Occult
by, 37-38; on seers, 193; on the theo- Research" (Hodson lecture), 187
sophical movement, 178; use of ajnic kyriotetes, 147, 152
chakra (third eye) by, 4-42; on
White Brotherhood adepts, 18-81, Ladder ofLights, The (Gray), 154
183, 185-86 Langdon, E. J. M., 210
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