228 fl The Secret Lije of Nature
sylphs, 54-56, 117-20, 143, 172-73
Taimni, I. K., 99
Taubes, Barry, 76
ten sephiroth, 154-55
Teotihuacin, 37-38
Tertium Organum (Ouspensky), 21 8
Tesla, Nikola, 2
Theosophical Society, 2, 11,29, 30, 31,
theosophists: anthroposophy and, 183;
atoms investigated by, 69-73; belief
in nature spirits revived by, 109; ele-
ments investigated by, 73-74; findings
validated by siddhi, 9-7; on kun-
dalini energy, 173-74; origins of, 167;
philosophy of, 190, 193-96; vindica-
tion of, 79-80; on Zarathustra, 164
Theo~ophist, The, 73,74
theosophy, 30,31
Theravadan Abhldhamma, 89
third eye (ajnic chakra), 4-42
Third Hierarchy: described, 145; living
view of, 193; spiritual beings in, 135,
Thomson, Joseph John, 69
three-dimensional space, 86
thrones, 140,150, I94
Timaeus (Plato), 15 8
tone-ether, 113-14
tree gnome, 47
Tree of Life, 153-58
tree spirits, 126-27
Trinity, 102
Tuatha-de-Danaan, 59
ultimate physical atom (UPA): Fermilab
and CERN experiments with, 76-77;
Leadbeater and Besant's work with,
7-1, 85-86; lines of force linlung,
85-86; Phillips' conclusions on, 88-87;
siddhi experiments with, 9-7
Ultimate Reality: described, 99-100, 101;
manifest/unmanifest aspects of, 102;
spiritual monads created through, 107
undines, 143, 172
Unexplained, fie, magazine, 24,27
vacuum, 83
van Doren, Gelda, 129-30
"very useful elemental beings," 141, 197
Vishnu the preserver (Second Logos),
104, 105
volcanic disturbances, 58-59
vomiting, 209,21 I
Wachsmuth, Guenther, 120
Wasson, R. Gordon, 168-69
water elements, 112, 113-14
water spirits, 52-54
Way, Sidney, 20
(Hagemann), 120
Wieskopf, Jimmy, 199-202
Williams-Heller,Ann, 154, 155-56
Wilson, Colin, 132,191
"withinth," 33
Woman magazine, 20
world-ether, 139, 141
Wright, Elsie, 5-10, 13-15, 2@23,25-28
Wright, Machaelle Small, 123
Wright, Mr. Eddie, 4, 5-7, 10
Wright, Mrs. Eddie, 4, 5, 10
yaJe tea, 196,198-200,207-9,210
Yesod (Angels of Foundation), 154
Yoga Sutras (Pantanjali), 69
Zarathustra, 163, 164
zero, IOO
Zetetic Inquirer, 24
Zohar (Book of Splendor), 153
Zweig, George, 76