Deep into Fairyland @ 55
curves, a suggestion of waving arms, of hair flying in the wind. Two
blazing eyes would appear in a face of unearthly beauty "combining
exaltation, intoxication, ecstasy, and fierce virility of power."
In the course of 1922 Hodson observed many different species of
sylphs, varying in size, power, and evolutionary position, noting a cer-
tain fierceness in their joy as they shrieked to one another, their cries
sounding like the wild whistling of the wind, much like Walkyries.
Sitting on the edge of a wood of very old larch and pine near
Ewehurst in late 1922, Hodson could view a wide panorama stretching
to the south downs. In a strong southwesterly he spotted sylphs at play,
their gambols consisting of long, swift, straight rides down the wind for
miles; or they would twist, turn, and dart suddenly upward, then fall in
breathless dives that ceased abruptly just above the treetops, then
equally swiftly ascend thousands of feet into the air. Hodson watched
one sylph descend slowly to a few feet above the ground. It was a being
of transcendent beauty, about eight feet tall, nude, asexual, but of the
masculine type, perfectly modeled, beautifully proportioned, sur-
rounded by a radiating aura three times its size, poised just above the
top of wavering grasses. The sylph's natural body was found at the as-
tral level, iridescent, changing, pulsating with astral forces, but not lim-
ited to a fixed or definite shape, capable of materializing on the etheric
level into a beautiful male or female form to work among plants, ani-
mals, or even human beings.
Contact with the consciousness of this sylph suggested to Hodson
a state of concentrated energy similar to that found within the atom:
incalculable energy, awe inspiring it its potency, yet harmless because
confined to prescribed channels of flow. The sylph's center of life ap-
peared to be a chakra in the solar plexus area, marvelously radiant, from
which the colors of the aura flowed outward in waves. Other lines of
force streamed away from its body, dividing at the shoulders in wing-
like formations that extended above the head.
Raising its hands, the sylph seemed to Hodson to appeal to him to
leave the limitations of the flesh and rise with it to higher levels of
space and consciousness.The experience convinced Hodson that even
the most exquisite moments ofjoy and exaltation possible to humans