The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1

64 @ The Secret L$ of Nature

from this center the flowing force previously described radiates verti-
cally upwards, carrying with it at a much slower pace the moisture and
other nutrients. The little nature-spirits do not confine their energies
to one plant or even to one bowl-for I see them flitting about from
one bowl to another."
Hodson further explained how these diminutive creatures vitalize a
plant. "When the process of absorbing is taking place they become en-
larged and appear like pale violet or lilac-colored spheres, some two
inches in diameter, with radii of force flowing from a central point
within the sphere. The ends of these lines extend slightly beyond the
circumference. Having expanded to the largest size which they are able
to reach, they return close to the plant, enter it, and begin to discharge
the material, or vital force, which they have absorbed." Hodson de-
scribes a natural "etheric vital flow" from the half-grown plants as
reaching fully two feet above them, and on this vital flow the tiny crea-
tures play and dance, tossed up and down by the flowing force, in
which they appear to rejoice.
Hodson also describes seeing a process of absorption by the plants,
with etheric matter flowing toward them from all sides. In some cases
he saw feebly waving tentacles extended from the "etheric double" of
the plant; through these, etheric matter was absorbed. These tentacles
are described as hollow "etheric" tubes, slightly curved and slightly
wider at the mouth, pale gray in color. The longest he could see ex-
tended four to six inches from the plant and were from a quarter inch
to a half inch in diameter.
Occult teaching holds that "etheric" matter vibrates at rates that
are too fine to be measured or tested by physical means yet is still sub-
stantial. It is divided into the four progressively finer levels coined by
Leadbeater-EI, E2, Ej, and Eq-all of which take form and act ac-
cording to discoverable 1aws.The even finer "astral" material of which
the more basic body of the nature spirits is formed is said to consist of
a spherical, many-colored aura surrounding the delicate "etheric form."
Normally, says Hodson, the consciousness of a fairy creature func-
tions upon the astral plane, or "form" plane, rather than the "life" plane
of etheric matter.The astral body of the creature is self-luminous, every
atom of it a glowing particle of light, with streams of force radiating

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