The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1

Orthodox Cosmos @ 85

lider, one with an even longer circuit, larger source of energy, and big-
ger punch to produce an even smaller particle: a superconducting
supercollider circling fifty-four miles through the wasteland of Wasa-
hachie,Texas, its generator to produce not billions but trillions of elec-
tron volts-at a cost to the public of several billion dollars.'
With this leviathan Lederman hoped to nail his God particle to the
establishment barn door by the year 2005. But the theosophists appear
to have found it already in what Leadbeater calls his "koilon, the true
aether of space," the medium in which the bubbles of his UPAS are but
holes. In orthodox physics the latest breakthrough, developed at the
end of the 197OS, was formulated to demonstrate that quarks and anti-
quarks, the antimatter counterparts of quarks-if regarded as pointlike
magnetic charges-were held together by "strings" or tightly knit bundles
of magnetic "flux," lines of force analogous to the magnetic field
around a magnet embedded in the Higgs field permeating all space.
This Higgs medium was seen as squeezing together the magnetic lines
of force into tubes of magnetic flux.
But this model didn't quite work; so back to the drawing board. By
1984 a "superstring" theory had been formulated to eliminate the ab-
normalities: its basic premise replaced points as the smallest existing
particles with tiny strings. All fundamental particles (including quarks)
were regarded as different quantum states of strings, strings with no
ends known as "closed" superstrings, all interacting with one another
by joining together to form more closed superstrings, in a maze of
Chinese boxes.
For some time, says Phillips, this second model was thought to be
physically unrealistic. But in 1985 a new lund of closed superstring was
discovered, the "heterotic superstring." Occupying nine mathematical
dimensions of space, it not only became the most studied model by
physicists but, as Phillips demonstrates, has remarkable similarities with
Leadbeater's ultimate physical atom.
Omegons, of course, are nothing but the UPAS so carefully depicted
by the theosophists back in 1895 as emitting and receiving "bright
lines" orG'streams of light."Annie Besant, responsible for reporting how

  1. The project was quashed by Congress in early 1994.

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