1246 Les Miserables
That evening, as he was undressing preparatory to go-
ing to bed, his hand came in contact, in the pocket of his
coat, with the packet which he had picked up on the boule-
vard. He had forgotten it. He thought that it would be well
to open it, and that this package might possibly contain the
address of the young girls, if it really belonged to them, and,
in any case, the information necessary to a restitution to the
person who had lost it.
He opened the envelope.
It was not sealed and contained four letters, also un-
They bore addresses.
All four exhaled a horrible odor of tobacco.
The first was addressed: ‘To Madame, Madame la Mar-
quise de Grucheray, the place opposite the Chamber of
Deputies, No.—‘
Marius said to himself, that he should probably find in
it the information which he sought, and that, moreover, the
letter being open, it was probable that it could be read with-
out impropriety.