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long before. There was no paper pasted on the wall, either
on the side of the Jondrettes or on that of Marius; the coarse
construction was visible in its nakedness. Marius exam-
ined the partition, almost unconsciously; sometimes revery
examines, observes, and scrutinizes as thought would. All
at once he sprang up; he had just perceived, near the top,
close to the ceiling, a triangular hole, which resulted from
the space between three lathes. The plaster which should
have filled this cavity was missing, and by mounting on the
commode, a view could be had through this aperture into
the Jondrettes’ attic. Commiseration has, and should have,
its curiosity. This aperture formed a sort of peep-hole. It is
permissible to gaze at misfortune like a traitor in order to
succor it.[27]
[27] The peep-hole is a Judas in French. Hence the half-
punning allusion.
‘Let us get some little idea of what these people are like,’
thought Marius, ‘and in what condition they are.’
He climbed upon the commode, put his eye to the crev-
ice, and looked.