Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

128 Les Miserables

etition). ‘The idea of living in a mountainous country, and
not even having lights in the streets at night! One goes out.
Black as ovens, indeed! And I say, Monseigneur, and Made-
moiselle there says with me—‘
‘I,’ interrupted his sister, ‘say nothing. What my brother
does is well done.’
Madame Magloire continued as though there had been
no protest:—
‘We say that this house is not safe at all; that if Monsei-
gneur will permit, I will go and tell Paulin Musebois, the
locksmith, to come and replace the ancient locks on the
doors; we have them, and it is only the work of a moment;
for I say that nothing is more terrible than a door which can
be opened from the outside with a latch by the first passer-
by; and I say that we need bolts, Monseigneur, if only for this
night; moreover, Monseigneur has the habit of always say-
ing ‘come in’; and besides, even in the middle of the night, O
mon Dieu! there is no need to ask permission.’
At that moment there came a tolerably violent knock on
the door.
‘Come in,’ said the Bishop.
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