Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

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It was about this epoch that Enjolras, in view of a possible
catastrophe, instituted a kind of mysterious census.
All were present at a secret meeting at the Cafe Musain.
Enjolras said, mixing his words with a few half-enigmatical
but significant metaphors:—
‘It is proper that we should know where we stand and
on whom we may count. If combatants are required, they
must be provided. It can do no harm to have something
with which to strike. Passers-by always have more chance
of being gored when there are bulls on the road than when
there are none. Let us, therefore, reckon a little on the herd.
How many of us are there? There is no question of postpon-
ing this task until to-morrow. Revolutionists should always
be hurried; progress has no time to lose. Let us mistrust
the unexpected. Let us not be caught unprepared. We must
go over all the seams that we have made and see whether
they hold fast. This business ought to be concluded to-day.
Courfeyrac, you will see the polytechnic students. It is their

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