174 0 Les Miserables
in the place of the monument of M. le Duc de Berry? So you
want to marry? Whom? Can one inquire without indiscre-
He paused, and, before Marius had time to answer, he
added violently:—
‘Come now, you have a profession? A fortune made? How
much do you earn at your trade of lawyer?’
‘Nothing,’ said Marius, with a sort of firmness and reso-
lution that was almost fierce.
‘Nothing? Then all that you have to live upon is the twelve
hundred livres that I allow you?’
Marius did not reply. M. Gillenormand continued:—
‘Then I understand the girl is rich?’
‘As rich as I am.’
‘What! No dowry?’
‘I think not.’
‘Utterly naked! What’s the father?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘And what’s her name?’
‘Mademoiselle Fauchelevent.’
‘Pttt!’ ejaculated the old gentleman.
‘Sir!’ exclaimed Marius.
M. Gillenormand interrupted him with the tone of a man
who is speaking to himself:—
‘That’s right, one and twenty years of age, no profession,