Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

2244 Les Miserables

following song:

“Jeanne est nee a Fougere “Amour, tu vis en elle;
Vrai nid d’une bergere; Car c’est dans sa prunelle
J’adore son jupon, Que tu mets ton carquois.
Fripon. Narquois!

‘Moi, je la chante, et j’aime,
Plus que Diane meme,
Jeanne et ses durs tetons

“Jeanne was born at Fougere, a true shepherd’s nest; I adore
her petticoat, the rogue.

‘Love, thou dwellest in her; For ‘tis in her eyes that thou
placest thy quiver, sly scamp!

‘As for me, I sing her, and I love, more than Diana herself,
Jeanne and her firm Breton breasts.’

Then he knelt upon a chair, and Basque, who was watch-
ing him through the half-open door, made sure that he was
Up to that time, he had not believed in God.
At each succeeding phase of improvement, which be-
came more and more pronounced, the grandfather raved.
He executed a multitude of mechanical actions full of joy;
he ascended and descended the stairs, without knowing
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