Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

2304 Les Miserables

‘You must try to find out where that wedding-party went
‘Where it went?’
‘ Ye s .’
‘I know.’
‘Where is it going then?’
‘To the Cadran-Bleu.’
‘In the first place, it’s not in that direction.’
‘Well! to la Rapee.’
‘Or elsewhere.’
‘It’s free. Wedding-parties are at liberty.’
‘That’s not the point at all. I tell you that you must try
to learn for me what that wedding is, who that old cove be-
longs to, and where that wedding pair lives.’
‘I like that! that would be queer. It’s so easy to find out a
wedding-party that passed through the street on a Shrove
Tuesday, a week afterwards. A pin in a hay-mow! It ain’t
‘That don’t matter. You must try. You understand me,
A zelma.’
The two files resumed their movement on both sides of
the boulevard, in opposite directions, and the carriage of
the maskers lost sight of the ‘trap’ of the bride.
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