2414 Les Miserables
over hell!
The stranger resumed with a smile:
‘I will not permit myself to contradict Monsieur le Baron.
In any case, you ought to perceive that I am well informed.
Now what I have to tell you is known to myself alone. This
concerns the fortune of Madame la Baronne. It is an ex-
traordinary secret. It is for sale— I make you the first offer
of it. Cheap. Twenty thousand francs.’
‘I know that secret as well as the others,’ said Marius.
The personage felt the necessity of lowering his price a
‘Monsieur le Baron, say ten thousand francs and I will
spea k .’
‘I repeat to you that there is nothing which you can tell
me. I know what you wish to say to me.’
A fresh flash gleamed in the man’s eye. He exclaimed:
‘But I must dine to-day, nevertheless. It is an extraor-
dinary secret, I tell you. Monsieur le Baron, I will speak. I
speak. Give me twenty francs.’
Marius gazed intently at him:
‘I know your extraordinary secret, just as I knew Jean
Valjean’s name, just as I know your name.’
‘My name?’
‘ Ye s .’
‘That is not difficult, Monsieur le Baron. I had the honor
to write to you and to tell it to you. Thenard.’
‘Thena rd ier.’