Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

2420 Les Miserables

tune was concerned he made that also, but as a secondary
matter, and in some sort, by accident. He was the foster-
father of the poor. He founded hospitals, opened schools,
visited the sick, dowered young girls, supported widows,
and adopted orphans; he was like the guardian angel of
the country. He refused the cross, he was appointed Mayor.
A liberated convict knew the secret of a penalty incurred
by this man in former days; he denounced him, and had
him arrested, and profited by the arrest to come to Paris
and cause the banker Laffitte,—I have the fact from the ca-
shier himself,—by means of a false signature, to hand over
to him the sum of over half a million which belonged to M.
Madeleine. This convict who robbed M. Madeleine was Jean
Valjean. As for the other fact, you have nothing to tell me
about it either. Jean Valjean killed the agent Javert; he shot
him with a pistol. I, the person who is speaking to you, was
Thenardier cast upon Marius the sovereign glance of
a conquered man who lays his hand once more upon the
victory, and who has just regained, in one instant, all the
ground which he has lost. But the smile returned instantly.
The inferior’s triumph in the presence of his superior must
be wheedling.
Thenardier contented himself with saying to Marius:
‘Monsieur le Baron, we are on the wrong track.’
And he emphasized this phrase by making his bunch of
seals execute an expressive whirl.
‘What!’ broke forth Marius, ‘do you dispute that? These
are facts.’
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