Les Miserables

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

2442 Les Miserables

is really hers. I give you these details, in order that your
mind may be set at rest.’
The portress had come upstairs and was gazing in at the
half-open door. The doctor dismissed her.
But he could not prevent this zealous woman from ex-
claiming to the dying man before she disappeared: ‘Would
you like a priest?’
‘I have had one,’ replied Jean Valjean.
And with his finger he seemed to indicate a point above
his head where one would have said that he saw some one.
It is probable, in fact, that the Bishop was present at this
death agony.
Cosette gently slipped a pillow under his loins.
Jean Valjean resumed:
‘Have no fear, Monsieur Pontmercy, I adjure you. The six
hundred thousand francs really belong to Cosette. My life
will have been wasted if you do not enjoy them! We man-
aged to do very well with those glass goods. We rivalled
what is called Berlin jewellery. However, we could not equal
the black glass of England. A gross, which contains twelve
hundred very well cut grains, only costs three francs.’
When a being who is dear to us is on the point of death,
we gaze upon him with a look which clings convulsively to
him and which would fain hold him back.
Cosette gave her hand to Marius, and both, mute with
anguish, not knowing what to say to the dying man, stood
trembling and despairing before him.
Jean Valjean sank moment by moment. He was failing;
he was drawing near to the gloomy horizon.
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