Microsoft Word - Money, Banking, and Int Finance(scribd).docx

(sharon) #1

Kenneth R. Szulczyk

forward transaction
derivative market
derivative security
forward contract
long position
short position
margin account
options contract

put option
exercise price
strike price
expiration date
American option
European option
option premium
Volatility Index (VIX)
Credit Default Swaps (CDS)
currency swap

Chapter Questions

  1. Distinguish between spot and forward transactions.

  2. Where do derivatives get their value?

  3. Distinguish between hedging and speculation.

  4. Distinguish between long and short positions.

  5. Define a margin account.

  6. A company buys 10 contracts for petroleum that specifies a price of $75 per barrel. Each
    contract specifies 1,000 barrels. Who pays and how much into the margin account if the
    price of petroleum shoots up to $150 per barrel?

  7. An investor buys a currency futures contract for $1 = 1.5 euros from a bank for 150,000
    euros. Who pays and how much into a margin account if the exchange rate changes to $1 = 1

  8. Distinguish between a futures and options contract.

  9. Distinguish between a call option and a put option.

  10. Which factors determine the value of an option’s premium?

  11. You are holding 10 call options for petroleum with a strike price of $75 per barrel. Option
    premium equals $0.5 per barrel, and each contract specified a quantity of 1,000 barrels.
    Compute the premium, and whether you will exercise this option if the market price is $50
    per barrel?

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