Money, Banking, and International Finance
Chapter Questions
- How could a firm protect its business in a foreign country by using facility location,
intellectual property rights, and leverage? - Which industries does a government usually protect?
- How does a firm use export creation to reduce a country risk?
- Define special dispensation.
- You had purchased bonds from a country with a CCC credit rating. Calculate the expected
interest rate you would charge if a comparable U.S. Treasury security has an interest rate of
5%, and you use the average bps for this grade level. - What is the Risk Rating System, and which four factors are included in this system? Please
explain whether or not the Risk Rating System is objective? - Distinguish between qualitative and quantities measures for measuring a country’s risk?
- How would you rate Hong Kong using A.M. Best and Coface?
- How would you rate the Ukraine using A.M. Best and Coface?